Save the Bees!

Here are several simple ways you can help save the bees today. 

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Plant Pollinator Plants for the Bees to have a Healthy and Diverse Diet.  

Plant flowers, fruits, and vegetables with varying, overlapping bloom times so the bees and other pollinators have forage spring through fall. Choose native plants to your area and avoid plants with pesticides (commonly known as neonics) genetically engineered into the plant. Pesticides impair the bees' neurological and immune systems.


Leave the Dandelions Please.

The best lawn for bees is one with dandelions, violets, and clover.  These beautiful flowers are the first to bloom in the spring and the first food the bees can eat after a long winter.  You can also enjoy the health benefits of dandelion greens and roots (great for your liver) and the violet flowers (good source of Vitamin C). 

Homeowners often pour more pesticides on their lawns than are used in industrial agriculture practices.  The typical American weed-free 'ideal' green lawn is a food desert and toxic environment for bees.  Save money and bees by leaving the dandelions please.    

Provide Bee Habitats.

Well, we know just the place to get beautiful bee habitats. You can hang up one of our bee habitats for 30% of cavity nesting solitary bees.  Solitary bees are hyper-local, super efficient pollinators that only travel about 250 yards from their nesting spot. Put a habitat in your yard or garden to help bees and your plants thrive.  The habitats contain tubes of different sizes so solitary bees of all kinds (mason, leafcutter, and sweat) have a safe and dry place to lay eggs. For the other 70% of ground nesting bees, such as mining bees, provide undisturbed soil and a water source.